咒语= >上诉内容
-准备伪造的ip Hma软件/ NordVPN(如果可能,请使用代理)
链接1: https://www.meta.com/
链接2: https://mbasic.facebook.com/help/contact/268228883256323
链接3: https://mbasic.facebook.com/help/contact/507287962650443
链接4: https://mbasic.facebook.com/help/contact/377211842296337
链接5: https://m.facebook.com/buddylist.php/
主题(取决于所需的链接):Watashi no denwabangōga nakunarimashita
咒语 :
Watashi no Facebook akkaunto wa,watashi ga denwabangōohenkōshita tame nimuikōni narimashita。Watashi no akkaunto wa,furui denwabangōonyūryokusuruhitsuyōga ari,酸痛ga dekinai baai wa rokku sa remasu ga,watashi wa nagai aida sono denwabangōoshiyōshite imasen。Facebookchīmuni,akkaunto o fukugen shite,watashi ga akkaunto ni rinku sa rete iru Gmail adoresu [在此处插入链接1中创建的gmail] ni kanshitekentōshite itadaikitai至omoimasu。Facebookchīmuni wahontōnikansha shite
Recently, hundreds of thousands of Facebook accounts were suspended and required to verify old phone numbers.
This is a method that makes verification easier and points back to the account's email.
Mantra => Content of appeal
- Prepare fake ip Hma software / NordVPN (if possible, use proxy)
- Fake IP Japan (Japan)
- Japanese or UK language
- TUT responds quickly to accounts that have not been spammed
Access the following links:
Link 1: https://www.meta.com/
+ Create an account with the same gmail, name, and date of birth as Facebook is locked.
Link 2: https://mbasic.facebook.com/help/contact/268228883256323
Line 1: Select Login
Line 2: Mantra
Link 3: https://mbasic.facebook.com/help/contact/507287962650443
Line 1: Mantra
Link 4: https://mbasic.facebook.com/help/contact/377211842296337
Line 1: Subject
Line 2: Mantra
Line 3: Screenshot of locked Facebook
Link 5: https://m.facebook.com/buddylist.php/
+ Log in to this link to check your account
Topic (depending on the link needed): Watashi no denwa bangō ga nakunarimashita
Mantra :
Watashi no Facebook akkaunto wa, watashi ga denwa bangō o henkō shita tame ni muikō ni narimashita. Watashi no akkaunto wa, furui denwa bangō o nyūryoku suru hitsuyō ga ari, sore ga dekinai baai wa rokku sa remasu ga, watashi wa nagai aida sono denwa bangō o shiyō shite imasen. Facebook chīmu ni, akkaunto o fukugen shite, watashi ga akkaunto ni rinku sa rete iru Gmail adoresu [insert the gmail created in link 1 here] ni kanshite kentō shite itadaikitai to omoimasu. Facebook chīmu ni wa hontōni kansha shite